Tuesday, April 22, 2014


Project 12 Participation

After gathering constructive criticism from my peers on my project 11 deliverable story board I have noticed some aspects that could use changing.  I need to add more line segments into my stick figures; I could draw better hips, shoulders, and joints.  I could also demonstrate some fighting motions in addition to the jumping actions.  Lastly, the position of the figure and floor could be more consistent.

Project 12 Concept development

Project 12 Research

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Project 11 Deliverable.

My stick figure game is a platform game where the player controls a ninja-like stick figure.  The player is able to run, and jump and has 2 attack keys.  As the player runs in the same direction the player continues to gains speed up until a cap.  After jumping into the air once, the player is able to click the jump key again to push off a wall to get to new heights.  The player has a melee attack and can obtain throwing shurikens throughout the game.  The player's weaknesses are ninja NPCs.  The player is challenged by facing difficult terrain layouts where tactical jumps are needed to be made.  The last weekness is time; the player has a limited time to defeat NPCs, clear obstacles, and make it to the chest at the end of the level.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Project 11 Extra Credit (HIGH)

Lesson 15 Bonus Challenge 2


Project 11 Concept Development

Project 11 Participation

John Aromando: The texture on the narrow section of the wall looks distorted.  The bit maps does help a little bit.  Maybe light just specific areas rather than one large overhead light.

Brian: There is no floor to the maze.The walls look very rough and realistic in a few views.  The last view looks very unrealistic; i think it is because there is no contrast on the wall edges.

Matt F: Only half of the floor is lit.  The wall texture is distorted, especially on the tops.

Project 11 Research

The player is capable of obtaining martial arts weapons and has different dashing and slashing attacks.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014